Photo Of The Day – Sunset Over Santa Barbara Island

Title: Sunset Over Santa Barbara Island Location: Rancho Palos Verdes, Los Angeles, California, USA, North America Description: Little known even to long time LA residents, the small blip of an island south Continue Reading →

Traveling Through Colors: Orange

I go through phases with my photography and it is especially easy to grab on to a color concept when looking through the images on a recent trip. In this Continue Reading →

Touring Hawaii Via Helicopter

Taking off in a helicopter is unlike any commercial airline flight you have ever experienced. As forward thrust is not needed, there is no ‘pinned to your seat’ feeling. Your Continue Reading →

Photo Of the Day – Point Vicente Lighthouse At Sunset

Title: Point Vicente Lighthouse At Sunset Location: Rancho Palos Verdes, California, USA, North America Description: Out past the congestion of LA, along the California Coast, Point Vicente Lighthouse stands guard Continue Reading →

Photo Of The Day – Double Rainbow And The Beach

Title: Double Rainbow And The Beach Location: Napili Kai Beach Resport, Maui, Hawaii, USA Description: This gorgeous double rainbow interrupted breakfast in a good way.  The mists that came down Continue Reading →