Penguins At The Equator? Heck Yeah!

Description: The Galapagos are not as warm as you might think. For one thing, they have their own penguins, named Galapagos Penguins (Spheniscus mendiculus). Like the other animals I’ve highlighted this Continue Reading →

Photo Of The Day – Bright Crabs Of Panama

Title: Bright Crabs Of Panama Location: Isla Bartolomé, Pearl Island, Gulf of Panama, Panama, Central America (8°39’2″ N 79°2’6″ W) Description: Also known as the Sally Lightfoot crab or red crab or Grapsus Continue Reading →

Photo Of The Day – Alaska Rainforest Floor

 Title: Alaska Rainforest Floor Location: Bartlett Cove, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska, USA, North America (58°27’26” N  135°51’54” W) Description: Walking the shores of Glacier Bay National Park and getting Continue Reading →

Photo Of The Day – Waterfalls Carving Hawaiian Cliffs

Title: Waterfalls Carving Hawaiian Cliffs Location: Hawai’i, The Big Island, Hawaii, USA Description: Along the North shore of Hawai’i, The Big Island, there appears and endless string of high and beautiful Continue Reading →

Traveling Through Colors: Green

Green is a good, all-purpose, calming color and I can use some calm today. Continuing with my series to explore the world I have photographed through color, I present to Continue Reading →

Traveling Through Colors: Orange

I go through phases with my photography and it is especially easy to grab on to a color concept when looking through the images on a recent trip. In this Continue Reading →

Photo Of the Day – Point Vicente Lighthouse At Sunset

Title: Point Vicente Lighthouse At Sunset Location: Rancho Palos Verdes, California, USA, North America Description: Out past the congestion of LA, along the California Coast, Point Vicente Lighthouse stands guard Continue Reading →

View On The Forest Floor In An Alaska Rainforest

What’s lurking on the floor of an Alaskan rainforest? Plenty! For my daughter, girlfriend and I, cruising with InnerSea Discoveries in Alaska’s Inside Passage this last summer allowed more than Continue Reading →

Photo Of The Day – Bench With A View

Title: Bench With A View Location: Jaco, Costa Rica, Central America Description: Nestled up against the Pacific Ocean as the sun goes for a dip, this bench is a perfect Continue Reading →

Photo Of The Day – Irish Sunset

Title: Irish Sunset Location: Dingle Peninsula, Ireland, Europe Description: Along the Dingle Peninsula of Ireland is a rocky shore where the road simply ends. One warning sign is all you Continue Reading →