Thank You For Helping LA Fire Victims

I want to thank all of those who found a way to give, big and small, when I put out a request this week for a last minute run to Costco to purchase items to support CORE’s efforts in LA.

Together we were able to purchased nearly $700 worth of goods yesterday that are likely already in the hands of those who need them. THANK YOU!

The item list contains immediate needs by the community, including:

  • 7 – rechargeable and solar lanterns (that can also charge a phone)
  • 4 – 2 pack of wired/wireless phone chargers
  • 3 – 2 pack of wall adapter to USB with USB-C cables
  • 7 – boxes of tampons
  • 9 – boxes of pads

The needs in our greater LA community are not over and I will be back with additional requests as they come up.

Again THANK YOU to all who helped.
