I Can Use Your Help With An MS Bike Ride This Weekend

This coming weekend I need your help with making my 10th (or so) MS Bike Ride a fundraising success. The MS Bike Ride (formerly the MS150) is a national effort Continue Reading →

Death Valley Is All About Patterns

Description: In looking back through a few days spent in Death Valley over the Winter, I keep finding more and more images of endless patterns. Sometimes repeating directly, but also Continue Reading →

Narada Falls

Description: After having driver by this waterfall at least 30 times, I finally stopped to see what the fuss was about. It is a beautiful waterfall. Just off the main Continue Reading →

Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Adams

Description: Timing is everything with photography. And that timing often relates to light. In this case, I have flown and photographed this scene probably a hundred times over the last decade, Continue Reading →

The Washington State Capitol Dome And Mt. Rainier

Description: Some days the air quality and visibility is sublime. Location: Olympia, Washington, USA, North America Camera: DJI Mavic 3 Cine Photograph Copyright Peter West Carey. Image Available For Commercial Licensing (email) Learn Continue Reading →