Lighting Abstract On A Boat
Description: Onboard the Windstar Breeze, there’s interesting lighting around the spa/pool.
Description: Onboard the Windstar Breeze, there’s interesting lighting around the spa/pool.
Learning to love swimming with the help of my wife. Continue Reading →
De3scription: Opal Pool, Midway Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park. A fantastic display of bright orange thermophilic bacteria living in the extreme conditions surrounding the many geysers of the Park. Photograph Continue Reading →
As Sean Connery once said, “There can be only one.” Sure, he was talking about immortals battling through time to find out which of them would earn the prize of Continue Reading →
I woke up this morning, Wednesday the 24th, to realize I really was sunburnt. You know how it never seems that bad the first day you’re burnt but then you Continue Reading →
It’s Tuesday and you know what that means??? Neither did I when I got up. Ahhhh….vacation. But Sabrina and I were up uncharacteristically at 9:15am. The clouds were clearing and Continue Reading →