Penguins At The Equator? Heck Yeah!

Description: The Galapagos are not as warm as you might think. For one thing, they have their own penguins, named Galapagos Penguins (Spheniscus mendiculus). Like the other animals I’ve highlighted this Continue Reading →

Photo Of The Day – American White Pelicans

Title: American White Pelicans Location: Deer Lagoon, Whidbey Island, Washington, USA, North America Description: They aren’t seen a lot in Washington, but Deer Lagoon seems to be a good attractant for Continue Reading →

Photo Of The Day – Leucistic Bald Eagle

Title: Leucistic Bald Eagle Location: Deer Lagoon, Whidbey Island, Washington, USA, North America Description: You might remember my previous post about a leucistic bald eagle from a few weeks back. Those Continue Reading →

Photo Of The Day – Great Horned Owl Chilling In A Tree

Title: Great Horned Owl Chilling In A Tree Location: Mayflower County Park, Blythe, California, USA, North America Description: I almost missed this wonderful owl if not for a visitor from Australia who pointed Continue Reading →