Title: The Matriarch
Location: Lhasa, Tibet
Description: Elderly woman at a small courtyard home. Matriarch of a large family who all lived under one roof. She offered us homemade yak cheese, which was delicious.
Photograph Copyright Beth Shepherd
Great image. Her face is fascinating. Though the yak cheese would have distracted me from it.
This photo captures the true essence of the woman! I love to take photos of people when I visit other cultures. And yak cheese? Hmmmm…
Hi, i love matriarchs. i live in countries where it is 60% single moms who live with thier families made of women. it’s incredible how powerful the woman influence is here.
Photo Friday, 2000 Crocodiles… Where?
Beautiful! Her face is gorgeous.
Beautiful shot!
The yak cheese sounds intriguing to me, too.