Title: Mosaic
Location: Ravenna, Italy
Description: I had heard that the churches in Ravenna, Italy had the best Byzantine mosaics outside Byzantium, but I wasn’t prepared for the glow coming from the mosaics. They date from the 6th century, and they’re as bright as the day they were made. Mosaics don’t degrade over time in the same way oil paintings do, which I guess I knew, but seeing the rich colors of the mosaics in Ravenna still took my breath away. The light was low in that church, but I leaned my back against a huge stone column and used my legs as the other two points of a human tripod.
Photograph Copyright Jessica Spiegel (Her photos will be feature this week, subscribe to receive them all!)
Hey there!! Thank you for the beautiful photos!! LOVE the mosaic and vespa photos a lot. Something simple, yet through your artistic eyes + camera lens, the beauty surrounding you shown forth. Precious indeed!