Photo Of The Day – Mobula Rays In Formation

Title: Mobula Rays In Formation

Location: Gulf Of California, Baja California Sur, Mexico, North America (24°35’50” N 110°24’12” W)

Description: Swimming with mobula rays in the Gulf Of California is an unforgettable experience. The majesty and grace these huge fish demonstrate in their natural environment is humbling and awe inspiring. I had to swim down about 15 feet just to get close enough for an image while attempting, in vain, to keep up with the school. Given the opportunity, I would gladly do this all day long, with or without a camera.

Shot while on assignment for UnCruise Adventures.

Camera Go Pro Hero 3+ Black
Lens Standard
ISO 160
Focal Length 2.77mm
Aperture f/2.8
Shutter Speed 1/60
Altitude -15.0 ft

Photograph Copyright Peter West Carey. Image Available For Commercial Licensing (email).

You can copy, share and print this image. Just don’t sell it, please.

Image may be reproduced for personal, non-commercial use (details) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Non-Licensed Commercial use is prohibited. Attribution to this post or Peter West Carey Photography must be given, please.

Mobula Rays In Formation, Gulf Of California, Baja California Su