Photo Of The Day – Hana Highway Waterfall

Hana Highway WaterFall

Title: Hana Highway Waterfall

Location: Maui, Hawaii, USA

Description: The Hana Highway is a winding, narrow road with few stops along Maui’s Northeast coast.  Being the wet side of the island, waterfalls abound at a number of bridge crossings.  Just be careful when you stop as there’s not a lot of room!

Photograph Copyright Peter West Carey

3 Replies to “Photo Of The Day – Hana Highway Waterfall”

  1. Sree

    Nice pic. Would you mind sharing the settings on the camera for this pic?
    Whenever i try to take such pictures, the colors (lush green) never come out so saturated. I have to pump up the saturation using a photo software.

  2. Peter West Carey Post author

    I bumped the greens and decreased the blue’s a bit in Photoshop Lightroom. 🙂 There was a color cast from the slightly cloudy skies and I adjusted the picture to look as I saw it.

  3. Sree

    Thanks 🙂 I was recently in vermont for the fall colors. I tried to capture the colors using my rebel xsi. I would really be happy if you can critique the pics. Not sure how i can post those here 🙂

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