Title: Guess Where I Went Today
Location: I’ll give you a hint, it wasn’t Brooklyn
Description: Today was a gorgeous, sunny day in town. We were wandering (oh, ok, I’ll spill the beans) Seattle Center as part of my Improve Your Photography Skills Level 2Workshop and I really enjoyed being able to purposefully shoot the center for a solid two hours. In this case, I was further testing out a Lensbaby Scout with the 12mm Fisheye lens inserted, thanks to BorrowLenses.com. It goes back this week and I’m seriously thinking of picking one up for my own use. It’s a lot of fun. I was also very pleased with some of the shots the students picked out in the same area. Always interesting to see different views of the same area.
Photograph Copyright Peter West Carey
Very cool photo! I explored the Space Needle for the first time last year and loved it.