Title: Coming Back Home
Description: I have visited this same place like a hundred times now and every time I come up with something new. Coming back to the same place is a very good exercise to “tune up” the eye and look for new scenes in familiar places.
Photograph Copyright David Alpuche
I’m trying to become a better photographer, and am learning new things all the time. This photograph taught me more about the rule of thirds. Usually I attempt to put the horizon at the 1/3 or 2/3, but this photo has the horizon more in the middle. But, the sail boat is in the bottom 1/3, and on the left third. This with the combination of the other boats helped produce the a lot of depth in this photo.
It’s a great photo, I love the color, the exposure, and the DOF.
Thank you for sharing it.
Steve, Thanks for the comment. I too like the way David framed this shot.