Title: Alaska Rainforest Floor
Location: Bartlett Cove, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska, USA, North America (58°27’26” N 135°51’54” W)
Description: Walking the shores of Glacier Bay National Park and getting down low brings into view a whole other world of plants. The canopy and sky overhead are reflected in the drops if you look very close.
Shot while on assignment with UnCruise Adventures.
Camera | Canon 1DsMark III |
Lens | Canon EF 14mm II |
ISO | 100 |
Focal Length | 14mm |
Aperture | f/4 |
Shutter Speed | 1/60 |
Altitude | 122.2 ft |
Photograph Copyright Peter West Carey. Image Available For Commercial Licensing (email).
You can copy, share and print this image. Just don’t sell it, please.
Image may be reproduced for personal, non-commercial use (details) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Non-Licensed Commercial use is prohibited. Attribution to this post or Peter West Carey Photography must be given, please.