Join Me Aboard The UnCruise Adventures Safari Endeavour To Learn Photography In Remote Alaska

I am honored and thrilled to announce I will be once again joining forces with UnCruise Adventures to teach photography aboard the Safari Endeavour. This is not the hard-core trekking in the mountains trip I have run in Nepal in the past, this is a luxury small boat cruise through some of the most drop-dead gorgeous landscape you can enjoy.

I will be teaching aboard the Endeavour on the July 5th sailing in 2015. The 7 night cruise covers the wonders of Glacier Bay National Park, Tracy Arm and quite possibly FORDS TERROR!! I just love saying FORDS TERROR!! In truth, it is a mystical place arrived at through a very narrow channel (tides permitting) that opens into an amphitheater of a fjord with waterfalls cascading in every direction.

But why I really love the Alaska cruises with UnCruise is summed in one word: WHALES!  I’ve always ‘liked; whales but it was on my first UnCruise trip that I fell in LOVE with whales. In this case, humpback whales.

Being a smaller boat that carries a maximum of 84 guest and is only 232’ in length, the Endeavour is highly maneuverable and that allows us to follow whales until our hearts are content. It also means we get into places the 3000 passenger boats can’t (like FORDS TERROR!). There are days when we will spend almost all hours of daylight searching for whales and then marveling over and over at their grandeur. They’re kind of addicting that way.

This is not hardcore photography school, by the way. I’m there to help guests learn at their own pace and to give some inspirational as well as instructional talks. And if you’re not into photography you can just ignore me altogether. 🙂 I’m there as a resource for those who want to bring back stellar travel photos.

Won’t you join me? If not July 5th, take a look at their sailing schedule to see if a different trip might work better for you. But really, just sign up for the 5th. 🙂

Below is a slideshow from past trips to Alaska with UnCruise, to whet your appetite.

4 Replies to “Join Me Aboard The UnCruise Adventures Safari Endeavour To Learn Photography In Remote Alaska”

  1. Sarah Scoltock

    I love Fords Terror too. But note that I love it without the apostrophe. LOL. 🙂 Awesome photos.

  2. Sarah Scoltock

    Here’s info on the name from and who knows why it’s not possessive, but there you go.

    In 1899, a naval crewman named Ford paddled into a narrow waterway connected to Endicott Arm and was trapped for six terrible hours in the ripping tidal surge. Hence the name Fords Terror.

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