How To Hold A Camera – 31 Days To Better Photography

Yesterday’s Topic: How Your Camera Works

This post is best done in video form.  Here ye be! (don’t worry, it’s a quick, painless, two minute video)

How To Hold A Camera from Peter West Carey on Vimeo.

It’s quick and it’s easy to learn to hold a DSLR properly.  It takes repetition though to make it automatic.  Practice the technique and it will become habit.

Your very own Yeti shirt available from the folks at Makalu Wear.   They don’t sell bunny shirts, though.

Next Up: Photography Jargon

31 Days To Better Photography is a series written by professional photographer Peter West Carey on The Carey Adventures.Com. The series is designed to unravel the mysteries of photography so you can take better pictures. Subscribe here to receive all the updates and bonus material. Your comments are always welcome.

Photo ToursIf you enjoy the series, consider learning photography first-hand on one of Peter’s professionally lead international photo tours. Current locations include Nepal and Bhutan with Morocco, Greenland, Patagonia and Mongolia. More information can be found at Far Horizon Photo Tours’ website.

17 Replies to “How To Hold A Camera – 31 Days To Better Photography”

  1. Christy @ Technosyncratic

    I just found this series and am really enjoying going back through the entries. Definitely hope that after 31 days I’ll practically be a pro. 😉

    You know what I’ve found gets in the way of holding a camera correctly? Wearing glasses! Those pesky things make it very difficult to brace a camera against your face. My glasses are the archnemesis of my photography skillz, that’s for sure.

  2. Chamila

    Thanks for this video. I am a beginner in photography (and a trainee sys admin too) and shake gave me enough trouble to think a tripod was essential. I’m going through all the lessons throughout March. Thanks again for your effort.

  3. Delmar

    So, that’s how a human Yeti looks! 🙂 LOL..
    Now that’s one thing I never knew about holding a camera – thanks for the video. I never paid much attention to how I held my camera so I’ll take note of that and hopefully get better!

  4. Richard

    Thanks for creating 31 days.. I love photography and am trying to become better at it. This series is certain to help!

  5. Lewis McLeod

    The diopter adjustment is something that I never thought of… I also see photographer’s glasses advertised in Outdoor Photographer. This maybe something for me to consider, because with the amount of action photography I do, I find it advisable to keep both eyes open while I’m shooting so I can see more.

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