Traveling Through Colors: White


It is easy to overload on White when I went looking for images for this post. Clouds, mountains, more clouds and mountains. I wanted to bring something else into the mix and I hope you enjoy this journey around the world.

Continuing with my series to explore the world I have photographed through color, I present to you, the color White.

And if White isn’t your color of choice, there are other colors in the series.

Traveling Through Colors: Red


It’s Sunday and I am seeing Red.

It’s a hot color that stirs the blood (also Red) and leads to excitement in most. There’s not a single calming thing from this post about traveling the world, seeing Red. Except for the Spanish guy with the umbrella, he looks pretty relaxed.

And if Red isn’t your color of choice, there are other colors in the series.

Photo Of The Day – BC Ferry At Sunset

Title: BC Ferry At Sunset Location: Gulf Islands, British Columbia, Canada, North America Description: Pleasant evenings and ferry boats across the waters in BC. Camera: Canon EOS 5D Lens: Canon 28-300mm L ISO: 500 Focal Continue Reading →

Photo Of The Day – Horsing Around On Lake Louise + 4 More

Title: Horsing Around On Lake Louise Location: Lake Louise, Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada, North America  (51°25’1″ N 116°13’27” W) Description: As the song goes, so go the sleighs around Lake Louise Continue Reading →

Photo Of The Day – Downtown Banff + 1 More

Title: Downtown Banff Location: Banff, Alberta, Canada, North America (51°10’53” N 115°34’10” W) Description: Just your average shot from downtown Banff in the winter. Bonus Image ——————- Camera Canon 7D Lens Canon 28-300mm Continue Reading →

Photo Of The Day – Ice Castle At Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise + 3 More

Title: Ice Castle At Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise Location: Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada, North America (51°25’3″ N 116°13’6″ W) Description: Back in 2010 British Columbia hosted the Winter Olympics. The fever spread Continue Reading →

Photo Of The Day – Inside An Ice Cave + 3 More

Title: Inside An Ice Cave Location: British Columbia, Canada, North America Description: Forgive me for not having a more exacting location but I can’t find this on a map. My friend Genevieve Continue Reading →

Photo Of The Day – Hockey Rink And Rockies

Title: Hockey Rink And Rockies Location: Canmore, Alberta, Canada, North America Description: Same location as yesterday’s photo of the day, but looking the opposite direction. ———————- Camera Canon 7D Lens Continue Reading →

Guest Post: Overland Journey Through Canada’s Western National Parks

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a first for me. This post is a guest post from my friend Genevieve Hathaway. I  write regularly for the G Adventure’s Looptail blog and was Continue Reading →

An Easy Path To Great Landscape Photos – Visit A National Park


Time after time when I view my own photos and gravitate to what I enjoy the most, 70% of those images are shot in a national park some place on this planet (with UNESCO World Heritage Sites coming in a near the top as well). It’s no coincidence that they are also one of the places I like most to visit.

If you are starting out in landscape photography and struggling to find subject matter, consider finding a nearby national park. And this goes for those of you outside the USA as well. In Australia they are all over the place while other countries might have a scarcity, but they are almost always worth the travel.

Sure, ‘everyone’ has been there before you, but if you are looking for experience and almost surefire shooting material, what better place to practice. After all, for all of us, every shot is practice for the future. Every shot hopefully teaches us something or helps us appreciate light and nature in some way. National parks will help you soak up that experience while helping you improve you skills.

How To View The Slideshow

To view the full screen slideshow, simply look to the lower left hand corner for a big X. When you click that, these words will hide away and you can see the full background slideshow of National Parks. Click the spot where the X was again to make the words come back. Hovering your mouse over an image will temporarily stop the slideshow.

If you are viewing this post in email or an RSS reader, click here to be taken to the actual post to see all the images.

Mount Rainier And Reflection Lakes At Sunrise, Mt. Rainier Natio


Photo Of The Day – Moon And The Rockies

 Title: Moon And The Rockies Location: Canmore, Alberta, Canada, North America (51°4’55” N  115°19’20” W) Description: Because the soaring flanks of the Canadian Rockies jut so abruptly into the sky from Continue Reading →

My Favorite And Odd Photos From 2013


I am presenting these images from 2013 in the hopes that you find something you like. That being said, there are some images here only I might like, and I’m good with that. I started taking more “odd” photos in 2013, experimenting with blue and playing with colored tonic water poured over fruit and vegetables. While I love the mountains and travel, there are a lot of subject matter that interest me that will never get the “oooohhh” and “ahhhhh”s that those picture garner. But that’s what photography is for me, endless exploration and experimentation to present a view of what is in front of me.

Some of these images made the cut because they are stand-alone pretty. Some made the cut because they hold memories for me and my family (and I know my wife will be reading this post so I want to help jog her memory of the happy times we have shared). And then some….well, I’ll group these images by style to make it easier. Let’s start with the pretty stuff and then move into family memories (there were too many to show them all) and then the odd stuff you might not know me for.

This post will be gathered in a compilation my friend Jim Goldstein puts together of various photographers’ “Best of 2013” lists. If you would like to join in, check out this link. I’m wondering if this list will be included as Jim suggests (rightly so) narrowing your list to five or ten images. I have 32 in this list. I don’t follow direction well.

How To Use This Slideshow For Best Effect

If you are reading this in a RSS viewer or on email, I suggest you click on over to a web browser (Here’s a link to make it easier for you). It works on your phone (probably), tablet or computer and the bigger the screen the better the images.

Now do you see that in the upper right corner above this text? Once you click that, you’ll have a full browser view of the images. You can then use the control arrows at the bottom of the image or your mouse’s scroll wheel. Or just flick them aside on your tablet like you would other pictures.

Image Descriptions

1. Cho Oyu and Photographers, Nepal

2. Sunset from 39,000′, somewhere over California, USA

3. Machermo Range And Dudh Pokhari, Gokyo, Nepal

4. Himalayas and stars through a windows, Machermo, Nepal

5. Yak and Kangtega, Nepal

6. Mt. Rainier and Reflection Lakes, Washington, USA

7. Mt. Baker at sunset, Washington, USA

8. Mt. Hood and Trillium Lake, Oregon, USA

9. Photographer and the Moon, near Mt. Baker, Washington, USA

10. Sun through the trees, Mt. Baker, Washington, USA

11. Moonrise over the Cascade Mountains from Whidbey Island, Washington, USA

12. Sunset on the Washington Coast, Olympic National Park, Washington, USA

13. Temple Of The Mad Man, Bhutan

14. Monks at ceremony, Jakar, Bhutan

15. Blossoms and field, Jakar, Bhutan

16. My daughter and her friend exploring trees, North Cascades National Park, Washington, USA

17. SMORES!!!! Sequoia National Park, California, USA

18. Looking up, Sequoia National Park, California, USA

19. My wife and daughter at a Papohaku Beach, Molokai, Hawaii, USA

20. My daughter flying a kite, Molokai, Hawaii, USA

21. Sunrise over Maui aboard the UnCruise Adventures Safari Explorer, Hawaii, USA

22. Jessie breaks open coconuts, Molokai, Hawaii, USA

23. A mega-pod of dolphins off the coast of California, USA

24. Military gravestones, Medical Lake, Washington, USA

25. Playing with LEDs, Mt. Baker, Washington, USA

26. Rust and waves, Metchosin, British Columbia, Canada

27. Moths to a flame (look closely and you’ll see the repeating pattern as the light hit them), Clinton, Washington, USA

28. Spinning dancer, Paro, Bhutan

29. Nature’s ladder, Washington, USA

30. Keeping pace with the falls, Oregon, USA

31. How to make an okay sunset even better (panning blur), Whidbey Island, Washington, USA

32. Sunset on our second to last night on our honeymoon 🙂

Traveling Through Colors: Green

Green is a good, all-purpose, calming color and I can use some calm today. Continuing with my series to explore the world I have photographed through color, I present to Continue Reading →

Photo Of The Day – In A Two Horse Open Sleigh

Title: In A Two Horse Open Sleigh Location: Lukla, Nepal, Asia Description: Riding along the shore of Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada, in a two horse open sleigh is a Continue Reading →

Photo Of The Day – Barren But For The Beauty Of The Ice

Title: Barren But For The Beauty Of The Ice Location: British Columbia, Canada, North America Description: Ice climbing in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada is some of the best in Continue Reading →

Worldwide Sunrises And Sunsets Calendar Now Available

My next calendar with images from around the world is now available for sale. Going with an ever popular theme, Worldwide Sunrise And Sunsets takes you on a journey around Continue Reading →

The Semi Non-Unofficial Preparation Guide To Travel Blog Exchange (TBEX) 2011 In Vancouver, Canada

It’s almost here! By almost, I mean less than two months away. TBEX. An annual (and then some) gathering of travel bloggers, marketers, PR folks and other travel industry hooligans Continue Reading →