Title: The Dance In The Wave
Location: Bluff Beach, New South Wales, Australia
Description: Located on the Eastern shore of Australia, the jagged border between land and sea receives a constant pounding with neither element ever yielding. As old as the continent itself, the shores of New South Wales are a location for solitude and beauty.
This week’s print will be on sale until noon PDT on Friday the 15th of June. The print is only available in one sizes, 12″x18″, which is a convenient size for finding ready-made frames if you desire. It will come with an additional signed 1/2″ white border if you wish to matte it out in a different sized frame. Shipping (USPS Priority) and Handling anywhere in the USA (only) will be $14 flat fee, no matter how many you purchase. The print normally retails for $110 and will be on sale for just $55 each during this week.
The print will not have the border you see above, nor the watermark. You will receive just the print and 1/2 white border.
All prints will be shipped the week following the close of the sale and you will receive an update when yours hits the post office. Thank you for your consideration and I hope you enjoy the photo.
Photograph Copyright Peter West Carey