Title: Larger Than The Taj Mahal
Location: Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India, Asia
Description: While the Taj Mahal is a magnificent feat in architecture, engineering, art and construction, I was struck with how small it can appear at times. Up close it is grand against the backdrop of Agra. But from across the river, away from the crowds, the monument takes its place amongst an immense landscape.
Camera | Canon 7D |
Lens | Canon EF 10-22mm |
Shutter Speed | 1/320 |
Aperture | f/8 |
ISO | 100 |
Focal Length | 10mm |
Click HERE to purchase this 11″ x 14″ print at my Etsy Store. Use code 10POTD to receive 10% off as a blog subscriber.
Photograph Copyright Peter West Carey. Image Available For Licensing (email).
Would you like to join me on my next photo tour to Bhutan, Nepal, Hawaii or Canada in 2013? I teach workshops and lead international photo tours.
Way back then, during my high school, in our subject World History, we tackled about Taj Mahal and it would be a pleasure if I could take a look at it nearly.