Title: Khumbi Yul Lha – Sacred Sherpa Mountain, Nepal
Location: Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal
Description:ÂReflected in a the eddy of a nearly frozen stream on the bed of a hanging valley at 14,500′, Khumbi Yul Lha stands gracefully against the stark, blue sky. The mountain is sacred to the Sherpa people and is said to be the home of a powerful god. It has been off limits to climbing and is still an unclimbed peak in the Himalayas of Nepal.
Camera | Canon 7D |
Lens | Canon 28-300mm L |
ISO | 100 |
Focal Length | 28mm |
Aperture | f/5.6 |
Shutter Speed | 1/100 |
Photograph Copyright Peter West Carey. Image Available For Licensing (email).
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I’m a sucker for reflection shots!