I Like My Aerial Panoramas Vertical And I Can Not Lie

Description:ÂMy drones have a mode I don’t use enough, but always love the results.

It’s the vertical panorama mode that takes three vertical pictures automatically and then stitches them together for you (and you can save the originals if you want to stitch in Lightroom).

It allows for unique vistas from the drone, like this image of Green Peter Dam & Lake. Compare it to the ‘regular’ photo from a few weeks back.

The aerial view of Green Peter Dam and Lake and the river below it as seen from the viewpoint of a drone on a sunny day.

Location:Oregon, USA, North America

Camera:DJI Mavic 3 Cine

Photograph Copyright Peter West Carey. Image Available For Commercial Licensing (email)

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4 Replies to “I Like My Aerial Panoramas Vertical And I Can Not Lie”

    • Peter West Carey Post author

      As in, side by side? You can have it do that with a 180degree image and then crop.
      I would love it if they would make the 7X zoom camera (161mm equivalent) available like when I was making gigapixel images with a 300mm lens and a special robot.

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